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Types โ€‹

Abi โ€‹

Type matching the Contract ABI Specification

Re-exported from ABIType.

AbiError โ€‹

ABI Error type.

Re-exported from ABIType.

AbiEvent โ€‹

ABI Event type.

Re-exported from ABIType.

AbiFunction โ€‹

ABI Function type.

Re-exported from ABIType.

AbiParameter โ€‹

inputs and ouputs item for ABI functions, events, and errors.

Re-exported from ABIType.

AbiParameterToPrimitiveTypes โ€‹

Converts AbiParameter to corresponding TypeScript primitive type.

See more

AbiParametersToPrimitiveTypes โ€‹

Converts array of AbiParameter to corresponding TypeScript primitive types.

See more

AccessList โ€‹

An access list.

Address โ€‹

An address.

Re-exported from ABIType.

Block โ€‹

A type for a Block.

See Type

Chain โ€‹

A type for a Chain.

Re-exported from @wagmi/chains

FeeHistory โ€‹

A type for fee history.

See Type

Filter โ€‹

A type for a Filter.

See Type

Hash โ€‹

Type for a hashed value โ€“ a "0x"-prefixed string: "0x${string}"

Hex โ€‹

Type for a hex value โ€“ a "0x"-prefixed string: "0x${string}"

Log โ€‹

A type for Event Logs.

See Type

Transaction โ€‹

A type for Transactions.

See Type

TransactionReceipt โ€‹

A type for Transaction Receipts.

See Type

Transport โ€‹

A type for Transports.

See Type

WalletPermission โ€‹

A type for wallet (JSON-RPC Account) permissions.

See Type

TransactionSerializedEIP1559 โ€‹

EIP-1559 transaction hex value โ€“ a "0x02"-prefixed string: "0x02${string}"

TransactionSerializedEIP2930 โ€‹

EIP-2930 transaction hex value โ€“ a "0x02"-prefixed string: "0x01${string}"

TransactionSerializedLegacy โ€‹

Legacy transaction hex value โ€“ a "0x"-prefixed string: "0x${string}"

TransactionType โ€‹

All types of transactions. "eip1559" | "eip2930" | "legacy"

TransactionRequest โ€‹

A type for all transaction requests.

See Type.

Released under the MIT License.